Monday, October 3, 2011

baby on board

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged and we can all thank mother nausea for that one.  This pregnancy has been a lot different so far.  I have felt nauseous all day long and nothing seems to help. Add an active toddler to the equation and it has made for one crazy tired mama.  The doctor gave me a prescription for Zofran but I’m trying to hold off on taking medications and it does seem to be getting a little better now that I’m done with the first trimester.

It all started with a nauseated feeling and I was taking naps everyday while Lila napped, something I never do! I knew something was up so I decided to take a pregnancy test.  And you guessed it, positive!  This was on a Thursday night and Murray was out of town for work, so I had to keep this huge secret all to myself for a whole 24 hours.  I did tell Lila because I knew she wouldn’t blab or care.  When Murray came home Friday night I had the test on the bedside table on his side of the bed.  The funny part is he didn’t even pay attention to it, so I finally had to grab it and hold it in front of his face.  At first he thought it was an old one that I kept from when I was pregnant with Lila, but finally realized that would be a stupid joke.  He was excited…a lot better reaction than the first time I got a positive pregnancy test.  With Lila, he made me go back to the store and get more tests, so that five pregnancy tests later I think he got it.  The funny thing is I think it took up until the minute she arrived for him to realize there was actually a baby in there! 

I think we are both a lot more relaxed this time around.  With Lila we were so clueless and shocked to find out we were pregnant.  I mean, we obviously knew how it happened, but I just thought it would take a lot longer and we’d have more time to mentally prepare.  Nine short months later we were parents.  When she was born Murray said, “She’s like a real person” and the nurse said, “Uh, yeah”….I have it all on video.  Priceless!  

I love this picture because Murray had never held a baby before.  Hilarious.  He’s all tense and holding her super weird.  We’ve come a long way since November 17, 2009...

I found out I was pregnant with baby #2 at four weeks, but wasn’t ready to tell anyone until I went to the doctor.  Plus we are in Virginia and I wanted to see my doctor in South Carolina.  So after six long weeks I finally had an appointment and the baby looked great on the ultrasound.  We ended up telling his family and my family at ten weeks by wrapping up this picture:

It was so funny because none of them got it right away.  They all smiled and even mouthed “Aww, I’m the big sister”. It took a good 30 seconds for them to look up in shock and ask “Wait, are you pregnant?” 

I’m pretty sure Lila will not have this excited expression on her face come April.  The child will not let me even hold a baby without throwing an all out tantrum.  I’ve even tried holding her baby doll to get her used to something in my arms, but she will have none of it.  It’s going to be a rude awakening when she is not the center of the universe anymore, but I know it will be wonderful for her and she’ll eventually be a great big sister.  I just feel sorry for this little baby.  I mean, can you imagine seeing this wild thing staring back at you?

If baby #2 makes it through “Life with Lila” it will be nothing short of a miracle.  Lila rules the roost and I’ll be interested to see her reaction to the new addition.  When I ask her where the baby is she points to my stomach.  I also asked yesterday if it was a boy or girl and she said “gir”.  We’re not going to find out this time, which is probably a shock to most who know me because I’m such a planner.  I’ll be excited either way because with a boy I’d have one of each, but I also think there is something super special between sisters.  So we’ll just have to wait and see.  Either way, Murray is pretty sure it’ll be a “real person” this time!